Saturday, March 28, 2020

Smoke Bomb Chemistry - A Blast From the Past

Smoke Bomb Chemistry - A Blast From the PastSmoke Bomb Chemistry is an interesting subject. I find it interesting because it really seems like the answer to my prayers - or at least a viable answer. I've been looking for a better method of deodorizing and trying to figure out the best way to do it and have seen the smoke bomb in the business office of a friend who was smoking, and you know, what the heck. So I'm going to go through some smoke bomb chemistry to see if it will work.I say this because it's an item that should really be smoked, as in take it out and light it or use it as a mini device and then enjoy it. That is how I would treat it should be treated. This is not smoke bomb chemistry in the bad sense of the word, it is simply smoke bomb chemistry.What I am suggesting is that you create a chemical reaction, similar to those that occur during combustion of gasoline, to create the flame. The reaction is actually simple and there are actually several different methods for thi s. The chemical reaction should produce a steady flame, producing just enough heat to vaporize the smoke and become visible. This is quite easy to accomplish when you have a small flame, and really all you need is the right combination of items.What would probably be used is a lye and water mixture to create the lye. You could probably try a couple of other solutions, but really the best solution for this is the lye.The next important point is getting the temperature right. In terms of the flame, there is always a peak temperature and you need to get the temperature right, or the flame will break up and you won't get anything. With the smoke, it is pretty simple, there is a continual temperature of the smoke, and with the flame you want to keep it steady throughout the duration of the smoke burning, so that you can also keep the temperature steady as well. Use your imagination, it's pretty simple.I don't know that this would actually help you solve the problem, but I would not be ag ainst it. If you have access to a pyrophoric material and a flame and something you can control, then yes, it would be worth giving it a try. Maybe it would help your wife to quit smoking.Hope this helps, and if you do decide to try this out, I'd ask that you keep me in mind, I am an expert on bomb chemistry, and if I could do this, you can certainly use my advice. Good luck! -Travis

Friday, March 6, 2020

4 Tips for Personal Finance in College - TutorNerds

4 Tips for Personal Finance in College - TutorNerds 4 Tips for Personal Finance in College from a Costa Mesa College Tutor Most college students dont know that much about money and probably wont learn about it in the classroom unless theyre studying economics, finance, or business. This is a time in life where students need a lot of money to pay for tuition and expenses but dont yet have a lot of professional skills to command a high salary and pay back loans. It’s harder these days to qualify for student loans, and many students struggle to start making payments when the time comes. Although paying for college has always been an issue, there are several things students can educate themselves about to put themselves in the very best financial situation possible our private Costa Mesa college tutors are here to help. 1. Interest rates When students take out loans to pay for tuition or additional expenses they need to look at interest rates. They should compare different rates from different lending institutions and think about the amount of money they’ll have to pay back and how much time theyll have to do it. Students also need to think about interest rates if they are using a credit card to pay for anything. Its very tempting to pay the minimum on a credit card, but that can add significantly to student debt upon graduation. Students with good credit will be more likely to be able to rent an apartment or lease a car, which will be essential elements of starting out in their career field. 2. Working while you learn Another great way to stay above water when it comes to personal finances in college is to finance education by working partially. Every 4-year college campus has a ton of different student jobs within a short walking distance of dorms and classrooms. All of these employers work around a students schedule and will often provide time off during midterms and finals week without penalty. Students might work in food service or retail, or they might end up applying for positions such as a TA or research assistant if they are in grad school. If students can pay part of their living expenses from their wages, their post-graduation life will be a lot easier. 3. Living expenses and options In addition to tuition and fees, students need to think about their living expenses. Many students will live in the dorm the first year of college, but this option is not as popular as it used to be, especially for students going back to school or starting their education a few years after high school. Larger schools have multiple student living options, some of which are suitable for an older student. The cost of living will also vary significantly based on where a student studies, something they should consider when they choose which college to attend (Tips from a San Diego Economics Tutor: 4 Reasons to Pay Attention in Economics Class). 4. Preparing for what comes after graduation Its also essential for students to be prepared to deal with post-graduation financial issues. Initial student loan payments will come due, students will need to move off campus and arrange for housing, and they will have some upstart costs at their new job. Some students will have a full-time entry-level position open to them before they graduate but most students will need to investigate their options the summer after senior year. Its essential for students to have some work lined up even if its something they dont want to do forever. Students should have a plan A, something they can work towards but is still realistic. But, they should also have a plan B and plan C, options that are temporary and help students get by while theyre focusing their career trajectory. From study tips to help on your next big exam, our in-home Costa Mesa college tutors are here to help you succeed in your college courses. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

6 Tips to Maximize Your LinkedIn

6 Tips to Maximize Your LinkedIn (Image via 1. Update your information. The number one thing you should do is to make sure you have the most current, accurate information listed on your profile. It can be embarrassing if someone stumbles upon your profile and sees that it’s empty or that it hasn’t been updated with your most recent responsibilities. Making sure your profile is accurate can include adding a recent profile picture, your location, and what you’re currently up to (whether you have a job or internship, are still in school, or both). Adding as much relevant detail as possible is definitely a great way to ensure that your profile appears polished and professional. That way, you have the power to present yourself in a positive light to potential future employers, before even meeting them face-to-face. 2. Use multimedia. According to this  helpful article  on, adding multimedia features can present your page in a visually appealing way. While everyone else might just have a list of past accomplishments or responsibilities on their profile, you can add a little something extra to catch viewers’ eyes. For example, if you’ve worked on a project, written an article, have a relevant video, or any other work that you’re proud of, post a link in your profile. Doing so can help set you apart from others, by showing that you created a product that you worked hard on. Potential employers can easily access what you’ve done, which is definitely a plus in terms of making them happy! 3. Find more connections. LinkedIn suggests a number of other people you can connect with; they’re usually connected with people you’re already connected with, which is a great way to expand your circle. Of course, you shouldn’t go willy-nilly connecting with people you don’t know, but if you spot someone you may have met once before through a mutual friend or someone who is affiliated with your company or university, then go for it. According to a blog from LinkedIn, an easy way to expand your network is to sync your profile with your email address book. Ultimately, make sure to be smart with your connections because sometimes less is more. 4. Follow appropriate people and sources. In the same vein as making connections, you also want to follow the right people and sources. LinkedIn suggests a number of companies and well-known people whom you can follow. To ensure you’re getting the most relevant and appropriate information for you specifically, follow sources and people pertaining to your career field of interest. Not only will you be getting information that’s useful and interesting to you in your LinkedIn newsfeed, but also, others who view your profile will see what you’re interested in and get to know more about you that way. 5. Show it off. Sure, some of you may be a little shy or reluctant to step into the spotlight at times, but when it comes to putting yourself out there to advance career prospects, you want to make yourself as visible as possible. This Forbes article suggests making your profile public to everyone, which you can easily adjust through the settings and privacy option on LinkedIn. Doing so, especially once you feel confident about your profile, allows you to showcase everything that you’ve worked so hard on. 6. Use it often. This goes hand-in-hand with updating your information. If you use LinkedIn regularly, you will be able to frequently show what you’ve been up to and interact with your connections. As a result, other people can see how active and willing you are to continuously expand your network. Having a great LinkedIn can go a long way in helping you make connections and get yourself out there. However you choose to maximize your LinkedIn, keep in mind your goals and you will be all set.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Halloween Greetings from!

Halloween Greetings from! TutorZ team wishes all our customers a wonderful Halloween full of funny tricks and great treats. This is an amazing day for all kids, students and adults whose minds are open to miracles, enchantment, magic surprises and mysteries. In this haunted and scary  time some superstitious individuals  may need professional magic support and protection. Others may consider magic as a nice hobby or even seek a career of  wizard or witch. TutorZ is ready to help!  For these students is offering assistance of qualified  magic, spirituality  and astrology  tutors. May the magic of Halloween stir up a smile in your heart.  Have a Happy Halloween! Sincerely, The Team Email: Phone: (805) 288-7338 Halloween Greetings from! TutorZ team wishes all our customers a wonderful Halloween full of funny tricks and great treats. This is an amazing day for all kids, students and adults whose minds are open to miracles, enchantment, magic surprises and mysteries. In this haunted and scary  time some superstitious individuals  may need professional magic support and protection. Others may consider magic as a nice hobby or even seek a career of  wizard or witch. TutorZ is ready to help!  For these students is offering assistance of qualified  magic, spirituality  and astrology  tutors. May the magic of Halloween stir up a smile in your heart.  Have a Happy Halloween! Sincerely, The Team Email: Phone: (805) 288-7338

Steve Aoki Sets Off On National Check Your Blind Spots Tour

Steve Aoki Sets Off On National Check Your Blind Spots Tour Photo by Josh Sorenson from Pexels CEO Action for Diversity Inclusion described the intent of the national tour and what it hopes to accomplish: “The Check Your Blind Spots mobile tour is designed to give people the opportunity to learn about and explore ways to mitigate unconscious bias in their everyday lives. Through a series of immersive and interactive elements, participants are exposed to the nuances of unconscious bias, and also have the chance to sign the I Act On pledge   to address personal biases and drive inclusive behaviors.” The I Act On Pledge is simple: “I pledge to check my bias, speak up for others and show up for all.” The tour’s immersive experience is supposed to help young adults and students be more open-mindedâ€"and be more equipped to be open-minded. They are provided tips on how to strive towards more inclusive thinking in their daily lives so that they can be pro-active as well as how to act on the pledge. If you would like to get involved with the tour or learn more about it, visit here.

Chinese Tutor - Are You Looking For the Right One?

Chinese Tutor - Are You Looking For the Right One?If you are looking for a Chinese tutor in Orlando, then here are some things that you should consider. The truth is that there are many Chinese tutors who will work on a monthly basis, but some who are a bit cheaper and some who are a bit more expensive. As a first time tutor in the country, the best way to find the right one is to look into the individual's past experiences, because this is something that will affect your success in China as well.In finding a good amount of information on a Chinese tutor is actually easy because most individuals you will find a lot of reviews online, which can be seen by anyone and can serve as a guideline to the individual. After you have found a good number of reviews, you need to start your search with the Internet, because it is the easiest way to find the individual.In the case of finding an individual, many are those who will say that they were successful and are still working in the industry a s a tutor. These are usually those who have managed to get jobs at well-known and reputable schools that offer foreign language training. For those who are searching for a tutor in Orlando, the internet is definitely your best source.After finding an individual who has enough reviews that you are comfortable with, you then need to talk to his or her personal recommendations. In doing so, you will be able to see if the individual is reliable or not. You need to ensure that you do not find any individuals who will charge more money, because the problem is that it can be hard to verify whether the person is trustworthy.For your own safety, you need to ask the tutor whether he or she will provide you with a guarantee of payment, as this will help you guard yourself from having a problem later on. Most often, the tutor will tell you that he or she will return the amount you paid for your services, but this is only if they were notable to finish their assignment.A second thing that you ne ed to look for is the individual's experience, because you will most likely not find a person who is an expert. In this case, you will need to make sure that you do some research on the individual to make sure that you will not find a tutor who is better than you are.Finding the right tutor is really not difficult, because these two things are the basics. In most cases, you will find a tutor that is good, and you just need to pay attention to these things, so that you will not be overwhelmed by too much information.

Students Enjoy Working With New Chemo Engines

Students Enjoy Working With New Chemo EnginesAleks Chemistry Utils is a chemistry engine that generates C++ code for many common chemistry types. The code can then be run against many different types of data to compute chemical properties.Other C++ tools include Meadow Products, Moomools, and Chemnut. The newest addition to the class is Aleks Education Resources, which is similar to Meadow Products and Moomools. It also uses C++ code to produce reports and other instructional materials for students. The tool is targeted at teaching science and engineering topics, although it has been used by researchers.Many students prefer the new C++ features to the more traditional methods of solving chemistry problems. For one thing, the tool is used at school rather than at home, where more traditional learning methods are used.When used at school, Aleks helps teachers to test out students' solutions to challenges that arise during the school year. The tools give students a simple way to use exa mples from their textbooks or from their lab notebooks to solve problems. Teachers can also use the model to compare students' progress with their classmates and to track progress over time.Chemistry is a subject that's frequently taught in classroom classes. So, as a teacher, you want to help your students to learn through engaging and entertaining ways. Using Aleks, you can combine computer simulations and your student's responses with videos and pictures to teach and stimulate students.Teachers can use the model to introduce all of the aspects of chemistry to students without presenting all of the information on paper. They can make the process fun, and they can show that the students are building knowledge and comprehension over time.Chemistry is a challenging subject to learn for many students. The ease of use and the fun nature of the problems to make them more effective and satisfying for students.

Six Application Essay Mistakes

Six Application Essay Mistakes Scholarships a college students best friend, one of the few things to actually mitigate the seemingly insurmountable amount of college tuition, the simplest way to reduce debt after college graduation. Yes, scholarship applications are important, and sometimes it can be hard to find that extra motivation to apply for them, especially when youre not even sure if youll get any money out of it. Below are six common mistakes to avoid while writing a winning scholarship essay, from the US News World Report. 1. Hurried writing: Sure its great if you can work quickly and well under pressure. But, there is no need for that with a scholarship essay. Start thinking of fresh concepts early; seek help from a writing tutor, parent or English teacher, leaving plenty of time for polishing up your essay. Consider writing it over the summer when youll have more free time away from school. 2. Ignoring your audience: Scholarships can be funded by various organizations, some professional, some creative and some a little quirky. Try to ascertain the personality of the organization that is funding your potential scholarship and write appropriately for it. Check out the organizations website and look specifically for its vision statement, history and programs. Then, write your essay correspondingly. 3. Choosing a plain topic: Topics such as something interesting about me, or what my favorite class is and why have been done before. Try something new, something original that speaks to your personality. Write about your favorite pen or compare yourself to Mt. Rushmore, the Grand Canyon or any one of Saturns moons. Try to stand out, increasing your chances of getting that scholarship. 4. Boring, uncreative writing: Imagine reading hundreds, thousands of scholarship essays. It probably gets pretty boring after a while. Try to be as creative as possible without losing clarity. Instead of writing, MVP first basemen Joey Votto inspires me because we are similar, write, MVP first basemen Joey Votto and I are both left-handed hitting, right-handed throwing quietly aggressive men, never content with good, always pursuing excellence in every aspect. Motivation? Please, the man absolutely inspires me to always be great. Try to take every sentence you write one step further because that makes for a more interesting essay. 5. Colloquialisms: If your essay sounds anything like a text message, youre doing it wrong. Write professionally. Use all those vocabulary words you learned in English class, helping your essay stand out and sound more intelligent. 6. Not paying attention to grammar: Run on sentences, fragments, blatant grammar errors are all the obvious signs that youre rushing through your scholarship essays. These organizations will be looking to quickly eliminate applicants, and simple, careless grammar errors are a sure-fire way to get your essay thrown out. Allow yourself plenty of time to write, rewrite and edit it. A writing tutor or one of your English teachers could help you correct petty grammar errors, making your essay more polished and intelligent.

How to Become a Successful Online Learner

How to Become a Successful Online Learner There is no magical formula in particular that works to guarantee your success in online tutoring. Online tutoring offer flexible and convenient tutoring, however, the student is responsible to develop methodology to get maximum from online tutoring that helps to meet their learning goals. Develop Time Management Skills:     The flexibility to take lessons at a convenient time is one of the greatest benefits of online tutoring. However, it is the drawback for students who are unable to give time to learn their lessons. The students should learn and develop time management taking initiatives to ask for a tutoring session instead of waiting for reminders from the tutor. Prepare and maintain “To Do” list regularly. Review the completed and pending task in your To Do list. Review syllabus of each subject and develop a monthly schedule to complete the lessons in each of the subjects. Effective Communication Skills: Effective and appropriate communication skills are very important in tutoring online. The student has to communicate their difficulties and queries through chat as online tutor is unable to see the confusion on a student’s face. Online tutors are well-versed with communication tools like email, chat room, discussion groups, cell phones and text messaging, so communicate through these tools. Online tutors are qualified and expert professionals. Do not communicate informally saying your difficulties with frustration and anger but use appropriate style and language. Write full, grammatically correct sentences with a respectful tone. Persistence:       Persistence is the biggest key to succeed online tutoring. The student succeeds who are tolerant to technical limitations, seek help when needed, work daily in class and persist through challenges. The student requires being mature enough to remain self-motivated and responsible. Hard work and accomplishing your tutoring is the only way to succeed tutoring online. Learn Basic Technical Skills: The student learning online should have basic technical knowledge to work with computers, surfing internet, download software’s. The student should learn to work with word processing documents, spreadsheet, use PowerPoint presentations etc. Typically, online tutoring offer on the whiteboard with live chat. However, the student should check out software and tools that they would require before they engage with any online tutoring website. Prepare Questions useful to your Learning: Asking appropriate question is one of the best ways to seek your answers. Online tutoring offer threaded discussions, email connectivity, chat rooms and forums for student to seek answers to your questions. Spend some time crafting your questions that may go beyond what you are going to learn in regular tutoring sessions.